Note: For new posts, see my Web of Star Wars Tumblr. I decided there wasn't much point in maintaining two Web of Star Wars blogs, so I don't plan to make any new posts on this one. The site will stay up and the archives will still be here, but if you want to see new posts, bookmark or follow the Web of Star Wars Tumblr.

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Saturday, November 10, 2012

Academy Award winning writer Michael Arndt to write screenplay for Star Wars Episode 7

Lucasfilm has confirmed that Michael Arndt will be writing the screenplay for Star Wars Episode 7.  He wrote the screenplays for Little Miss Sunshine, Toy Story 3, and the upcoming Hunger Games sequel.  See the news here.

See part 1 here.

Friday, November 9, 2012

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Excited to be excited about Star Wars again

There was a time when I was practically a walking encyclopedia of Star Wars.  And...I still am to a certain extent, but I will admit that I have gotten a bit rusty over the years.  But it's not really my's because there just hasn't been enough new stuff to maintain a significant interest.

Sure there's been books, but I've never been a big fan of the book series (although I still kept up with what was going on with them through the internet Star Wars encyclopedias).  I am a gamer (see my gaming tumblr here), so I did keep up with Star Wars video game canon.  The Knights of the Old Republic series was awesome, and the The Force Unleashed was epic.  I would play the The Old Republic game that is out now, but I don't really have a good gaming PC for playing it on.  But as awesome as the games are, they don't quite measure up to the hype of a film.

A live-action Star Wars TV show has been discussed for years now, but keeps getting put off.  The Clone Wars cartoon is decent, but I feel like I mainly watch that to try to remember the glory days of being excited about Star Wars.  It's more of a nostalgia than an excitement.  The heyday of my Star Wars excitement was during the years the prequels were being made.

Why?  Because there was an epic film to look forward too.  And not only that, the internet was buzzing with Star Wars news, opinions, and theories on what would happen in the prequels.  I frequented Star Wars forums and kept up with all of that stuff and came up with theories of my own.  But when the prequels were over, there wasn't that much to look forward too anymore.  So I guess that's when I started to get a bit rusty with my Star Wars knowledge and excitement.  I started getting my sci-fi fix from other Stargate and Battlestar Galactica.

But now I feel myself getting excited about Star Wars again!  We are going to have more movies...and maybe that TV show they've been talking about too!  The buzz can begin again.  I'm already wondering things like how far in time the plot line of episode 7 will be after Return of the Jedi.  I'm wondering who will be in it.  Who will direct?

My excitement grew even more when I considered the possibility that what if  Star Wars could actually be better than ever?  I was reminded of a documentary I saw that was made by Gene Roddenberry's son, Rod.  Rod showed a video clip of Gene saying that maybe one day someone could make Star Trek better than he ever did.  And Rod said he showed that video to J.J. Abrams (who made the Star Trek movie reboot).

So when I thought about that, I thought, George Lucas made an epic film series, but what if someone else could do just as good...or better?

With that in mind...let the buzz about the new movies begin.  I've heard some people saying Joss Whedon should direct, and initially I thought that sounded like a good idea since Whedon is famous in sic-fi circles (Firefly, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, The Avengers).  And considering that he directed The Avengers, which is a Disney affiliated film, it sounds like a possibility he could be considered.  But after I thought about it, I'm not sure he is the best choice for Star Wars.  I consider Star Wars to be more of a science-fantasy than a science-fiction.  In other words, I see Star Wars as a fantasy story with elements of science-fiction mixed in, as opposed to your more traditional sci-fi stories like Star Trek or Stargate.  With that in mind, I think a fantasy director would be better suited choice...maybe someone like Peter Jackson, who directed the Lord of the Rings trilogy and should be finishing up the Hobbit movies now.  Or maybe someone like J. J. Abrams that I mentioned earlier, who has been involved in big hits like Lost, Person of Interest, Cloverfield, and the Star Trek reboot as either executive producer or director.  Lost has elements of fantasy in it and Star Trek is classic sci-fi.  So he is familiar with both genres.  Plus he's made TV shows that aired on Disney owned ABC, so he probably has some Disney contacts.

But there are so many potential choices for director.  Spielberg anyone?  Let the buzz begin indeed!

Friday, November 2, 2012

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

My thoughts on Disney buying Lucasfilm

Initially, I was shocked when I saw that Disney had bought Lucasfilm.  I won't go so far as to say I was disgusted by it, but I didn't really like it at first.  But after I've thought about it for awhile, I must say, I'm not that surprised by it anymore.  I mean, realistically, somebody had to take over Lucasfilm eventually, right?  If George wants to retire, then he can retire.  But you can't expect an epic and a cash cow like Star Wars to just go away can you?  It only make sense that someone would eventually take over Lucasfilm.

I don't know how Disney will manage Star Wars, but they've been making movies for a long time.  I guess they are doing something right.  I'll give them the benefit of the doubt for now.  We will see how they do in the long run.

So since Disney owns Lucasfilm now...

Should we expect a Howard the Duck sequel with Donald?


Leia as a Disney Princess

Disney and Star Wars may be merging faster than we thought...

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

The Future of Star Wars Movies

Disney acquiring Lucasfilm...not sure how I feel about that.  But they are already teasing more movies now that George is retiring and someone else can make the now.

Luke and Leia as 80s High Schoolers

Artwork by Denis Medri

Seen at Buzzfeed

Monday, October 15, 2012

Saturday, October 13, 2012

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Ham Solo

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Hoth Freezer

Sunday, October 7, 2012

Cello Wars

Saturday, October 6, 2012

Monday, October 1, 2012

Sunday, September 30, 2012

Do or do not

Not the droids

Pooh droids

Star Wars Last Supper

Saturday, September 29, 2012

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Troll face Han

Cup holding styles

Trick or Treating at the Rebels

Yoda at the game

Cat Star Wars

Boba Fett out and about

Vader meets someone from Starfleet

Astromech droid serving drinks

More Lego Star Wars

Hungry for Star Wars?

How about some cupcakes or pancakes?

Sexy clonetrooper and stormtrooper

Star Wars birthday

Posted on Star Wars Facebook for Mark Hamill's birthday.

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Tonight I'm Frakkin You

A nerd's dream. A sci-fi themed parody of "Tonight I'm lovin' you."

Star Wars Gangsta Rap

Star Wars Call Me Maybe

Halo Star Wars

Lego Star Wars mopping

Greedo unmasked

Yoda Inspiration sports sign

Yoda kitteh